Monday, July 20, 2009

Let's Drink to Old Friends

The Exploding Hearts...What can I's now been six years and the pain is a little less sharp, but it's certainly no easier. I thought I would be able to push it back, but every year, the same thing happens; I try to forget only to be overcome by the sadness. Later today, the sadness will give away to a feeling of resolve....I must push forward. I must keep on the path. I will head into the studio and keep working. I will keep making the music that I think the world should hear. I will keep making music that I need to hear and I believe the world needs possibly even more than I do. If the accident brought one positive change to my life, it is the desire to never waste a moment while I'm here. Producing and engineering Guitar Romantic as well as the singles and the sessions that became the outtake record, Shattered....they have been highlights in my life. Jeremy, Matt and Adam; I miss you. Terry and Louie, I'm so proud that you guys have kept the train on the tracks and rolling through the darkness. You both continue to make beautiful rock and roll.

I wrote a song yesterday for my old friends. I imagine it might make a great last song on Blue Skies' next record.

So come on down
It's been far too long
Let's get together
Let's put that old record on
Let's drink to old friends
Let's drink to old friends
I'll always miss you


  1. That's an amazing sentiment, Patrick. I get the feeling that it may be the best song on the next record, for sure.

  2. I had no idea you recorded this stuff! You and I might have met five years ago when my old band The Stacks were toying around with hitting up the producer of Guitar Romantic to record us. Small freaking world.
