Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Scorpio Californio Tour 2009

For the record, the night before one leaves on tour is generally a pretty bad time to start a knife fight. The losing end of a battle royale with various vegetables ended in an all nighter at the ER trying desperately to sew my fingers back together. At 6am, I emailed the band about the night's mishaps and mentally crossed my fingers (since I couldn't, at this point, do it literally) that painkillers and ice will get me through our imminent shows in Northern California.

Apparently, across town, Kelly, our sore-throated, ache-ridden bass player, was leaving similar messages about his life and death struggle with Swine Flu.

But the healing power of rock n roll knows no bounds. Or maybe it was simply the cheese burger cake.

By the time we made Chief Crazy Horse Saloon in Nevada City, Kelly was coming in a full two degrees below normal (that boy has ice in his veins . . . let me warn you now, you should never cross him) and I was winning arm wrestling matches left handed . . . and handily at that . . . pun intended.

The night of music was amazing. First us, then SF's The Aerosols, and finally the indomitable Bart Davenport (with former Cocaine Unicorn drummer in tow, all hail PDX). Pop/Soul perfection.

Spent the night at Dana Deathray's Station to Station studio in Grass Valley with DC Hardcores and Rickenbacker dreams.

Next day was SF and the Hotel Utah. It's was the release show for "Cryin' Shame," the new EP on Rainbow Quartz from our good friends, The Parties. Rex and Rob, The Parties' rhythm section, came with both guns blazing, opening the night with their other pop outfit, Sugarspun. Great crowd, great music, great night.

We were all in agreement on the gorgeous sun-soaked ride home . . . best Cali tour ever.